
Registration for Upcoming Professional Developments

M1: Datendetektive bei der Arbeit – Data Science und künstliche Intelligenz (ohne Programmierkenntnisse)

Datum: 13.12.2023 und 13.03.2023
Ort: Max Planck Gymnasium, Stapenhorststr. 96, 33615 Bielefeld

Hier finden Sie aktuelle Präsenzfortbildungen im Raum Nordrhein-Westfalen mit Anmeldemöglichkeiten.

Unser Selbstlernkurs im KI-Campus kann jederzeit und von überall genutzt werden (siehe unten).

Nächste Durchläufe der Fortbildung M1:

  • 13.01.2025 + 19.3.2025 in Dortmund
  • 05.02.2025 + 25.06.2025 in Bielefeld

Self-study Course: Decision trees do it yourself (DIY)
A Course for (prospective) Teachers on Data Science and Decision Trees

Employees of the ProDaBi project have developed a self-study course for teachers based on the teaching modules and professional development courses created in the project and published it on the learning platform. It contains a technical introduction for teachers as well as all teaching materials and learning environments. 

The course “Decision trees do it yourself (DIY) - data-based decision making” introduces you to working with real and multivariate data. There are two main areas of content. The first area relates to exploring and examining data. The second area is artificial intelligence and machine learning. The aim is to understand what data-based decision trees are, how they are created in a data-based and automated manner in the sense of machine learning and how they are subsequently evaluated.