Project Data Science and Big Data in School (ProDaBi)

We develop, implement and evaluate concepts and materials
on the topics of data science and AI in school.

What is the ProDaBi project about?

We want to bring data science and AI into schools to enable pupils
to handle and use these technologies in a self-determined way.
The diagram shows the individual project pillars and subject areas:

What are the tasks and goals that we pursue?
What should education on data science, big data
and AI look like in the future?


Kommende Colloquiumssessions

Session 16 - Part 1: Anna Ferguson (New Zealand)

Introducing a data science perspective on predictive modelling within a large introductory statistics course: Connecting research with practice
  • 11.12.2024
  • 13.00-14.00 Uhr
  • (UTC+1)

Session 16 - Part 2: Takashi Kawakami (Japan)

Data-driven modelling approach with mathematical and statistical models at its core in school and teacher education: A focus on a societal perspective
  • 11.12.2024
  • 14.00-15.00 Uhr
  • (UTC+1)
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