
Overview of our national and international partners and collaborations

Cooperation with data science/AI projects

With the CAMMP-project, we maintain an exchange of content and

    • contributions from ProDabi members at the CAMMP-Week from 11-16.06.2022 in Belgium
    • contributions from ProDabi members at the IAMIT-Workshop from 21-24.03.2023 in Karlsruhe
    • joint publication of issue 244 of teaching mathematics on the topic of AI in mathematics education (to be published in 2024)
    • planning of a joint symposium "First International Symposium on Connecting Disciplines in K-12 AI and Data Science Education" at the Paris Lordon University Salzburg from 24-27.02.2025 in Austria

Cooperation with educational institutions

International cooperations

  • With the SRLT Community (The International Collaboration for Research on Statistical Reasoning, Thinking and Literacy) we are in constant exchange about our materials and research at international conferences.
  • With the Concord Consortium we are in close exchange about the further development of data science content with and for the Common Online Data Analysis Platform CODAP (
  • Together with Tim Erickson from eeeps Media we discuss and develop the decision tree plugin for CODAP.
  • With the International Data Science in Schols Project (IDSSP) we are in regular exchange about approaches to establish data science in secondary education.
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